random, here we go!
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
"Eh, I saw you in Teenage Magazine!"
Geez. And here I thought no one bothers to read that stinkin' mag.
Suddenly everyone's telling me that they saw my two-page premier.
Holy cow, that was embarassing. -..-
I'm 18 and I've conquered the world.
Brothers are finally here from Phil, and they have invaded my room.
One is sharing my blanket, and the other one stole my pillow. FML.
Atleast I have something to blackmail them with if they dare to bully me.
Don't yeh find that laugh kind of funny?
How is huahuahua suppose to sound like in real life?
Maybe it's some secret chant to bring Ah Meng back from the dead.
Peter piper picked a peck of pickled pepper.
She sells sea shells by the seashore.
Okay, WHAT THE HELL am I doing? xD
I need some entertainment.
How about you fall off a two-storey building, bump into a tree full of big ants, get knocked down by a car, get yourself electrocuted, listen to the whole album of backstreet boys/nsync/hannah montana till your ears fucken bleed, watch
your mom eat the last piece of kuih, run down a naked man, shave all your momma's back hair, set your house on fire.
Then cry. xD
HAHAHA. I just lost it. STOP.
I owe this blog pictures from my Monday's beach trip.

It was so fun watching the train travel in the tunnel, I tell you. xD
3:07 AM
people should love the word "orgasm".
Sunday, December 20, 2009
After reading Syai's blog, I think I'm screwed.
I guess there's a reason why they put "ass" in the beginning of the word.
Cos it's definitely a pain in my anal.
I think I've played too much L4D, that I'm starting to dream about it.
I was like James Bond in my dreams, shooting the hell out of the zombies.
It was as fun as seeing an auntie get stuck at the MRT entrance.I wish the dream never ended, demmit.But not waking up at 2pm is a crime. Atleast for my mom.
So I'm going idle from L4D for awhile and concentrating on Sims 3.Lame right, I know. BUT MY HOUSE IS SO SEXY LA.All it needs now is a sexy bunny outfit.
Even my sims agrees with meh.
There's no fun without getting your sims pumped up. xD
I won't printscreen every room in the house cos that'll flood my blog.I wouldn't mind doing that though cos pressing PrtSc is so gay-ishly fun. xD
I'm so happy with my house, I could give Mariah Carey a nipple cripple.
Or maybe I should give someone one sloppy THIS
Having sims make out is so entertaining. xD
10:34 PM
i still love myself, go away.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
I swore to myself I'll never go to fucken mini toons ever again.
Until I saw my boyfriend sitting at the most top shelf of the store.
No, not Chester. I bought him from a pet store. xD
Yeh, mom bought me PATRICK STAR! :D :D :D
Call me kiddy, but I totally dig this pink starfish.
Who else could pull off a lime green shorts with purple flowers other than him?
He so sexy, me wanna strip him down *gives a kinky face*. HAHA.
I just realized that everyone else except me finds my jokes kind of traumatic.
Like when you listen to it, you feel like you're going to die any minute.
Or alteast, you wish to. Pfft.
Okay okay, here's one.
What did the elephant say to the naked man?
How the hell do you breathe through that thing?
Okay lame, whatever.
I'll run away and slit myself now.
9:20 PM
if you don't like fastfood, screw you.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
I'm getting really good with L4D yo.KISS MY ASS.
My L4D 2 keeps on crashing, so I'm kinda ignoring it now.
Besides, the zombies look like they don't know how to eat a burger well.
They better lay off the tomato sauce, I tell you.
Finally school's finally out. Like FINALLY.
Imma rest for the entire week till my brothers come back from Phil next Tuesday.
I've eaten way too much seaweed, I'm turning into a mermaid.
I think I need to get my seashell bra done fast. xD
But nothing to hide also knnnnnnn! -..-
I'm insulting myself, screw you.
Go away before I call mojo jojo.
Be scared. Be very scared.
11:17 PM
call me a freak, whatever.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Sorry, but I just can't get over it.
This has been the first time it's happened to me.
After months of playing
Kay, so what if I'm a loser.
Atleast I've already won before you can call me that.
So not completely a loser. xD
Shut up, you.
2:11 AM
if i were you, i'll be jealous.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Escape theme park should just bulldoze itself.
Universal Studios would shut you guys downnn.
This week has been hell week for me cos of school.
Syai agrees with me, i know *smugs*.
Sleepless nights, jugs of coffee and bars of toblerones are my bestfriends again.
Ahhh, it never gets old.
Finally met up with my long-lost-friends-for-3mnths last night.
Dinner at Hoagies and bowling. :D
Kay, I missed the bowling. Made us wait for 20 people in the lanes wtf.
And I had to catch the last bus home. -..-
Oh well. If only you paid for my cab fare, Benny boy. xD
Today, meeting the Rejects.
Dinner at Swensen's and then my house party. YAY!
But before all that, I would have to buy my mom's birthday present first.
I'm 18, and I'm buying her a TV. -..-
That's cool like how scooby doo eats his scooby snacks. xD
Kay, I'm off to shower.
Don't talk so much, I know you bathe late in the afternoon too.
Random. :]
2:11 PM
Sunday, December 6, 2009
What's wrong with bangla and handrails?
Can't they find it? GEEZ, PEOPLE.
No, it's not the pole that's on top of you.
It's the pole INFRONT of you. -..-
Kay, I'm done hating banglas. xD
Tried to bake cupcakes today.
EPIC FAIL.It looked like it came out of my maid's fat ass. Pfft.
Nevertheless, it was still edible.
Shut up, you. I haven't baked for months. Grr.
Am I the only person in this world who hates Lady Gaga?All her MVs are like someone's electrocuting her pussy.
I bet her make-up artist is a hater too. HAHA.
No offence to Rico. xD
Btw, I'll be having sort of an open house on Friday and Saturday.BOOZE AND CIGGIES ARE WELCOME, just provide your own.
I'm broke, demmit. -..-
My fridge's only for myself, shoo. xD
So yeh, if you wanna come just lemme know.
I'll provide the movies, games, bed, and a huge container for you to throw up in. :]
Oh, you wanna see a sneak preview of me in Teenage magazine?
Staff sent me a copy. HAHA.
You can click on that to enlarge.
That's just the first page. There's two. xDThe issue's coming out in the middle of December, so make sure to buy.
Don't waste the time I posed for that mustached photographer.
9:15 PM
out with the old.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
YAY! New blog. :D
New skin toooooo! I LOIKE.
I'm thinking of adding music, but kinda lazy.
Oh well, suck your balls and die.
Nothing much to blog at the moment, really.
It just feels good to be far away from stalkers.
Sal just called me up to meet at Woodlands.
Then Sheng Wei called right after to remind me on my powerpoint.
Chill...? Work...?
DEMMIT. I need someone to strip down infront of me now.
I don't know how that'll help, but just do it. xD
6:23 PM