In with the new, losers.



If you love me, great.
If you hate me, whatever.


| aidie |
| alyy |
| aminah |
| ann |
| anna |
| bal |
| cindy |
| debbie |
| ebrahim |
| eunice |
| fah |
| fazrina |
| glam |
| ida |
| isabel |
| jamilah |
| karen |
| keenan |
| laypeng |
| melvin |
| natasha |
| nazirah |
| nisak |
| raihanah |
| rudy |
| salmah |
| sham |
| shams |
| sharon |
| suhaida |
| syai |
| tami |
| yusman |
| yuwen |
| zakk |
| zhenyi |
| zhirong |



December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010

Gaga-oohlala. Wanchyorbadromans.
Saturday, January 30, 2010

I am sleepy, sleepy I am.

Had an all-night long birthday party for Farah last night.
Chicken, crabsticks, stingrays and sausages became my bestfriends. Hee.
Stuffed myself till 3am, digested it down before I got home at 8. HAH.
My wish for you is don't grow any taller or Iskandar won't be happy. xD

Full moon last night.
Me: Most of the accidents happen on full moon.
Neil: A lot of people become horny on full moon.
Me: Wtf. accident + horny = so does that mean I'm gonna get pregnant tonight?!
HAHAHAHAHA. Don't worry, I'm still baby-less. xD

Kay, pictures.

4:53 PM
$%@! to feelers.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I deserved your sorry "kiss and hug" and you deserved mine too. :]

Oh well, things are all better now.
It was the toughest week for me, I have to admit.
Fortunately, that little jimmy neutron in me had a brain blast to fight back.

"Jimmy neutron", I meant my thinking mind.
Not a big pile of hair. Eew.

There's this dude who thinks that I like him, so he tries his best to make me jealous.
LIKE WAKE UP, DUDE. Seriously. -..-
You're cool and all, but i'm so not digging you as anything more than a friend.
It's funny when you try hard to flirt with one of my closest friends.
Cos your face paints expectancy that I'm gonna go slash myself from jealousy.


I've been virus-ed by horny little bitches in MSN.
Strangers adding me and going "I'm 21/f, you're a male right?". PFFT.
First of all, do I look like I grow beard and mustache to you?! Roar.
And second, I'm so not into this cyber whatevershit.
Those days were over when I left IRC and Friendster. xD

Kay, laptop's running out of batt.
I'm lazy to plug in the charger.
Nites. xD

11:30 PM
an emo post, beware.
Sunday, January 24, 2010

I know I don't have time to blog, but I need to vent out.

I have been crying almost everyday this whole week.
Different reasons everyday.
I'm beginning to doubt on how strong of a woman I am.

Nah, maybe I'm not even strong to begin with.

Ever been in this situation...
You were in so much stress, and you only wanted to talk to someone about it.
And in normal circumstances, you look for the one you're clos
est with.
In the middle of venting out your feelings, he/she says he/she wants to go off.
Wouldn't it be normal for you to have this immediate feeling of sadnes
s and lonely?
Wouldn't it normal to feel sad when someone leaves you on your moment of need?
And because you show what you felt when they decide leave, does that mean you're being selfish
because "you start to make him/her feel bad to stay"?

I show what I feel, cos that's who I am.
But I definitely won't force you to listen if you can't/don't want to.

Quarrel comes in.
Tears comes out.
And then you start to think back, "where did I go wrong?".
It's becoming a sin to show your feelings.
Maybe we all should learn to hold it back and keep it to ourselves.

Yes, no matter how hurtful it may be.

4:02 AM
you can just kill me now, yes.
Friday, January 22, 2010

*minahrep voice*
Stress la siooooooool.

Kay, so I'm down with 15 pages for the weekends.
Can I do it? No. But I have to.
Other than that, I still need to do my A1 presentation board.

AND do the finishing for my clay model.
AND finish 6 more pages of my storyboard. -..-
Here's a gun, pull the trigger.

Kay, I sound like a little boy running out of mee goreng.
This panicking must stop.

I'm tired from thinking how to manage my time with all these projec
ts piling up.
I need a break, I need a kitkat. -..-
Okay lame, whatever. I have no energy to make anyone laugh right now.
But I'll laugh anyway cos I managed to fix the letter "A" in my keyboard.
Yes, it makes me happy like seeing an uncle drop his fake set of teeth.


I'm starting to get irritating, aren't I? xD
I'll be cutting my hair tomorrow after a yearrrrrrr!!!
Say goodbye to my long long rapunzel hair. :((

This one's a fresh shot, just merely a minute ago. HAHA.

9:50 PM
i ent breet.
Sunday, January 17, 2010

Damn this blocked nose, I can't speak properly.
My title's how I say "I cant breathe" with all the mucus in my nostrils.
Yes, my flu is that horrible. -..-

Year-end projects has got to be the worst.
I know we don't have exams and all, but now I wish we do.

Exams = Lesser projects. Grr.

Yes, that includes you!
My social life's slowly crawling out of my system cos of school.
Missed out clubbing with Ebrahim.
Missed out shopping with Vinitha.
Missed out drinking at Neil's.
Missed out dinner dates with Glam & Ciej.

I can't wait for this term to end then I'll be rocking the world.

No Sharon, I don't remember your birthday's on the 19th.
I also don't remember that it's 2 days from now. :]

Teck Lee, don't be selfish and drag my wife away from me.
I buy ice from different brand then you know. xD

HAHAHA. This was like on your 15th birthday sia.
Look at my phone, the most retro of all. 6610i. HAAHAHHAHA! xD

Holidays' coming in 6 weeks, and I need a kerja.
Kerja sia, like I'm some 30yr old woman who needs a serious job. xD
But seriously, I need to find myself a good-paying workplace.

Then I can earn buckeroos and go beach-hunting from Bali to Thailand to Philippines! :D

2:53 PM
Gues who's back, back again.
Thursday, January 14, 2010

I disappeared for more than a week with no taggers.
Now, I come back with 6 taggers.
Maybe I should MIA more often. :D

No Faz, I'm so not gonna take away my spongebob badge. HAHA.
Keep playing till your head becomes as big as squidward's nose. xD

Yesterday's been the first time this month I came home early.
All of the people in the house made so much noise about it.
Mcm I turned into a vampire and have to cave in from sunlight.
"Eh, isn't it only 6:30pm? Why are you home?"
"Why did you come home so early? Sun's still up, you know"

WTF. They might as well tell me to get out of town. -..-
No, I came home to sleep my ass off.
Ever get the feeling you slept too much you feel sleepy?
Yeh, that's why. xD

Workload's too much to handle, fuckenmootahfucker.
I have like
4 pages of rendered sketches and clay model to finish by Tuesday.
AND 50 pages of sketches to finish by Thursday.
My spongebob pencil's going to break soon if this sketching doesn't stop.

Yes, my pencil's spongebob too. xDD

Kay, time for some entertainment.
This was what I submitted as a project for one of my module

Yeh, I have a bunch of dumbtards as friends. xD
Oh well, I still love them anyway. :]

1:08 AM
don't ever expect a decent update.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010

I took this, mind you. Google Images are so over-rated now. xD

No one bothers to read my blog anymore.
I is sad. :(

Stupid sharon, never tag.
Stupid vinitha, never tag.
Stupid ebrahim, never tag.
Stupid bal, never tag.
Stupid syai, never tag.
Stupid glam, never tag.

Kay, I'm done whining for today.
Now it's your job to stop me permanently. HAHA.

For some reason, blogging is my source of happiness.
I was just in an off mood before I began writing all these shiznitz.
Now I'm all hyped up and Ella-ed again. xD
Oh well, I guess there are just some things that are not meant for people to understand.
Like how Spongebob gets jelly from a jellyfish.
Or like how Aerosmith has a huge-enough mouth to fit 5 cocks.

Kay, off-mood's hitting me back again.
But I refrain from talking about it cos this would turn out into an emo post.
All I can say right now is,




*poooft* I just farted. :]
P.S. Credits to Sharon for my spongebob blog icon. :D

12:23 AM
Since last year, I was hungry.
Sunday, January 3, 2010

I guess what Syai said was true.
After you've abandoned your blog for too long, you lose interest.
Ah, for the sake of the memories.

Kay, so hello 2010. :]
Another set of bullshits, fun and beers. Hoorah.
I should be welcoming the new year like the others do: RESOLUTIONS. Pfft.
But nah, I don't believe in it.
You say you'll stop watching porn, but eventually you still do.

I'm starting to miss people a lot more than I used to.
I won't be so secret-y and go "you know I'm talking about you".
I've been losing connection to my closest friends the past 2009. :(
You asses better show your faces before I hurt you real bad you cry. HAHA.

To end this post, I'm screwing up 20% of one of my module.
Congratulate me. Imma repeat it next school year.


4:20 AM